
Rev. John Paul & Julia Wallace | Pastor

Born and raised on the West Coast, John-Paul attended Bible college in Dover, Delaware where he met his wife, Julia. After graduating, he moved to Montgomery, AL to gain experience working in ministry at a local church. After many years, several cross-country moves, and what he refers to as “God’s woodshed experience,” God confirmed his call to minister to the people of Montgomery. He is bi-vocational - working as a construction project manager as well as pastoring 2.42 Church. Julia is the Music Director and a powerful worship leader. Together, their love for God and people have impacted many!

Rev. Mike & Sophia Kiser | Pastoral Staff

A Montgomery, AL native, God found Mike during his time in the Marine Corps at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. In his own words he questioned, “I wonder what it’s like to be a real Christian.” After that question, he gave his life to God and never turned back. He met his wife, Sophia in North Carolina, and together they raised four sons – Two who also enlisted in the Marine Corps, and two who serve in church ministry. Sophia is the Sunday School Director and has a heart to teach children about Jesus. Mike and Sophia are full of faith and encouragement to all who encounter them!

Rev. Chris & Corinna Bolig | Pastoral Staff

A Southern transplant from Pennsylvania, Chris is a lover of God, random facts, and all things BBQ sauce! He says all the time, “I just want to serve people,” and he does. Chris and Corinna lived the first part of their lives serving our country in the United States Army: he retired after 22 years, and she retired after 20 years. God led them to 2.42 Church where they continue a lifestyle of service to God and others. From Guest Services to the Media booth to teaching Sunday School they are willing to help wherever they are needed. Their kind words and encouraging smiles are a blessing to all around them!